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    No No No


    Aquarius (feat. Tamlins) 04:14






    General Penitentiary


    Sun Assessment Shining


    Let Him Go (extended 12" version)


    Guess Who's Eventual To Dinner


    Shine Eye Gal



    Black Uhuru

    Current  #2,107

    All Time  #6,042

    The most successful of the second-generation reggae bands, Jamaica's Black Uhuru maintained their high quality despite numerous personnel changes throughout their many decades together. The first reggae band to win a Grammy award, for their 1983 album Anthem, Black Uhuru offered a dynamic and progressive sound during their 1970s and early-'80s heyday. Led by mainstay Derrick "Duckie" Simpson, a reunion of the group's earliest lineup enjoyed renewed critical acclaim in the early '90s with albums like Now and Strongg before fragmenting into warring factions and a lawsuit that earned Simpson possession of the band name, which he continued to use into the new millennium on 2001's Dynasty...more

    Country/Region : Jamaica

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    As leading lights of the 1980s roots reggae scene, Black Uhuru became the first Jamaican act to win a Grammy Award and helped fill the void left by Bob Marley's death. Named after the Swahili word for freedom, the band was led by Derrick "Duckie" Simpson, fuelled by Marley's vision of Rastafari spirituality and social justice within the music. With producers Sly And Robbie crafting their sound, they were signed to Island Records and came to mainstream attention with the albums Red (1981) and Chill Out (1982). They toured with The Rolling Stones and guitarist Keith Richards featured on their track Shine Eye Girl, before Anthem (1984) won them a Grammy Award for Best Reggae Recording. Vocalist Puma Jones died from cancer in 1990 but the band continue to skank around the world under the guidance of Simpson and released new album As The World Turns in 2011.

  • biography of black uhuru sinsemilla mp3 download