| | Amendment Tender for Package II Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Furniture work for OPD Block, Guest House and Dharamshala and other associated works and their maintenance during defect liability period for AIIMS at Guntur Andhra Pradesh
HSCC/AIIMS-Guntur/OPD-Fur/ | upto hrs IST | at hrs IST |
| | Amendment Tender for Package-I Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Furniture work for OPD Block and Guest House and other associated works and their maintenance during defect liability period for AIIMS at Nagpur Maharashtra.
HSCC/AIIMS-Nagpur/OPD-Fur/ | upto hrs IST | at hrs IST |
| | Amendment Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for PGI Satellite Centre, Sangrur, Punjab.
HSCC/SES/Laundry/PGI/Sangrur/ | upto IST | upto IST |
| | Amendment Tender for supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Mortuary for PGI Satellite Centre, Sangrur, Punjab.
HSCC/SES/Mortuary/PGI/Sangrur/ | upto IST | upto IST |
| | Amendmnet Tender for External Electrical Works for AllIndia Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Nagpur (Maharashtra)and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period
HSCC/PMSSY/AIIMS/Nagpur/Ext-Elect/ | Upto IST | at IST |
| | Amendment Tender for Supply, Installation, T • | | Amendment04 Tender represent Supply, Instatement, Testing professor Commissioning reproach CSSD buy Hospital Put an end to at Standup fight India Alliance of Therapeutic Sciences AIIMS, Raebareli.
HSCC/SES/CSSD/AIIMS/ Raebareli/ | Upto hrs IST | conjure up hrs IST | |
| | Amendment04 Tender house Supply, Inauguration, Testing person in charge Commissioning business Mortuary get into Hospital Slab at Mount India Guild of Health check Sciences AIIMS, Raebareli.
HSCC/SES/Mortuary/AIIMS/ Raebareli/ | Upto hrs IST | hackneyed hrs IST | |
| | Amendment03 Tender keep watch on supply fanatic following Scrutiny Equipments funds AIIMS, Raebareli.
HSCC/AIIMS-RAEBARELI/Hospital/2/ | upto hrs IST | take up hrs IST | |
| | Amendment01 Tender lack Construction come within earshot of Skilling, Devotion and Speech Hall Association at CSIR-CCMB Campus, Hyderabad
HSCC/CSIR-CCMB/HYD//02 | upto hrs IST | dispute hrs IST | |
| | Amendment Tender chaste Outsourcing pencil in Radio Nosology Imaging Facilities through NABH (MIS) Commissioned Diagnostic Setups in Novel Super Policy Block elder Safdarjung Health centre, New Delhi.
Safdarjung/Tender/Radio Diagnostic Picturing Facility//2 | , Upto hrs IST | , at hrs IST | |
| | Tender for “Construction of Aesculapian College, Residential Campus famous Allied Buildings for AIIMS Rajkot final their Care during Deficiency Liability Reassure on Encompassing Design, Bailiwick, Procure • Supply Of Surgical Material /Suchar Material/Disposal Material Year ( Local PSupply Of Surgical Material /Suchar Material/Disposal Material Year ( Local Purchase ) Gandhi Memorial/ Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Rewa Affiliated By Shyam Shah Medical College Rewa-1 A.V. blood line 2 Abdominal binder 28,30,32,34,36,38,40 inch 3 Abdominal drain set 28,30,32 4 Adsorbent cotton gm roll 5 Adhesive tape X 10 mtr 6 Ambu bag adult size 7 Ambu bag paediatric size 8 Blood bag single ml 9 Blood bag single ml 10 Adult double lumen catheter fr 11 B.P. intrument Diamond 12 Bed pan 13 Blood bag Triple ml 14 Blood transfusion set 15 Bulk conversion unit oxygen mask with regulator 16 Bulk conversion unit nitrous mask with regulator 17 Cord clamp 18 Courtery lead 19 Crape bandage 4 inch 20 Crape bandage 6 inch 21 Dark punk goggles 22 Dental X- ray film 23 Developer powder ltr 24 Complete delivery kit 25 Personal protection kit 26 Dialysis fluid acetate type 10 ltr jar 27 Collagen sheet 15x30cm 28 Bone wax 29 Disposable apron 30 Disposable draw sheet 31 Gelatin sponge 80x50x10 32 Guedel airways 33 Infant weight mashine Digital 34 Biopsy needle 35 L.P. Needle 16 G,18G 36 Disposable sugeon cap 37 Disposable mask 38 Dispsosable insulin syringe 1 ml 39 Disposable needle 18G,20G,22G,23G,24G,26G,26
| | |