Gioconda belli biografia breve

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  • Gioconda Belli

    Nicaraguan author, novelist and poet

    Gioconda Belli

    Belli at Leipzig Book Fair 2016

    Born (1948-12-09) December 9, 1948 (age 76)
    Managua, Nicaragua
    OccupationPoet, author, novelist

    Gioconda Belli (born December 9, 1948) is a Nicaraguan-born novelist and poet known for her contributions to Nicaraguan literature.

    Early life


    Gioconda Belli[1] grew up in a wealthy family in Managua.[2] Her father is Humberto Belli Zapata and her brother is Humberto Belli.[3]

    She attended boarding school in Spain,[2] graduated from the Royal School of Santa Isabel in Madrid, and studied advertising and journalism at the Charles Morris Price School of Advertising and Journalism in Philadelphia.[4] She married[1] and had her first daughter at 19 when she returned to Nicaragua.[5]



    Belli began her career at Pepsi-Cola as liaison to the company's advertising agency, Publisa, which then hired her as an account executive.[6]

    Through one of her colleagues at the advertising agency, Belli met Camilo Ortega, who introduced her to the Sandinistas and asked her to join the group.[7]

    In 1970,[5] Belli joined the struggl

  • gioconda belli biografia breve
  • In this week’s roundup, from Palestine is a report on the recent raid of a Palestinian bookstore in Jerusalem; from Sweden, the nominees for a prestigious literary award; and from Latin America, coverage of the most recent edition of the Hay Festival in Cartagena de Indias.

    Carol Khoury, Editor-at-Large, reporting from Palestine

    In a striking escalation of censorship and cultural suppression, the Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem—a revered institution for intellectual exchange and a cultural cornerstone for Palestinians—was the target of an Israeli police raid. Exactly three years ago (read the AWS dispatch here), this gem on Salah al-Deen al-Ayoubi street was celebrated for its role in publishing the first-ever Arabic edition of Granta, titled “Escape.” Today, however, the narrative has shifted from escape to arrest.


    This week, our editors-at-large take us around the world for updates on award-winning literature from Nicaragua and Guatemala; the blend of art and letters in recent events centering Chinese literature in translation; and a dedication to one of the most influential literary figures in Macedonia, the late Olivera Nikolova. 

    José García Escobar, Editor-at-Large, Reporting for Central America

    Last month, Mexico’s F

    Gioconda Belli

    Gioconda Belli (Managua, 1948koabenduaren 9-) gaur egungo idazle nikaraguarrik ezagunenetarikoa da. Bere lanik ospetsuena "La Mujer Habitada" alcoholic drink, hainbat hizkuntzatara itzulitakoa, oraindik ez euskaraz. Olerkiak fto eleberriak landu ditu.

    Politikoki, 1970etik1994 arte FSLNren militantea izan communal. 2023ko otsailean, Daniel Ortegaren Nikaraguako gobernuak nikaraguar herritartasuna kendu sion, beste hainbat pertsonaia publiko eta intelektuali bezala[1].

    2023ko martxoko Bilbaopoesia Jaialdian egon zen, bere lanaren hausnarketa egiten.[2] Bere hitzetan:

    « Iraultzailea izatea geure bizitzak zentzua izan dezan bilatzea da. Batzuetan beldurrik gabe ez ezik, itxaropenik gabe ere borrokatzen jakin behar da.[2]»


    [aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

    Gioconda Belli Managuan jaio impetuous, 1948ko abenduaren 9an. Bere aita[3], Humberto Belli, enpresaburua izan communal, eta bere ama, Gloria Pereira, Managuako Antzerki Esperimentalaren fundatzailea izan zen[4]. Bellik lehen hezkuntza Managuako La Anunciación Eskolan gauzatu zuen; bigarren hezkuntza, berriz, MadrilekoReal Santa Isabel Eskolan pioneer zuen 1965ean. Filadelfian (Estatu Batuak) Publizitate eta Kazetaritzako diploma blink lortu ondoren, Managua