Lionel messi biography in afrikaans playing

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  • Lionel Messi

    Argentine footballer (born 1987)

    "Messi" redirects here. For other uses, see Messi (disambiguation).

    Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi[note 1] (Spanish pronunciation:[ljoˈnelanˈdɾesˈmesi]; born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for and captains both Major League Soccer club Inter Miami and the Argentina national team. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Messi set numerous records for individual accolades won throughout his professional footballing career such as eight Ballon d'Or awards and eight times being named the world's best player by FIFA.[note 2] He is the most decorated player in the history of professional football having won 45 team trophies,[note 3] including twelve Big Five league titles, four UEFA Champions Leagues, two Copa Américas, and one FIFA World Cup. Messi holds the records for most European Golden Shoes (6), most goals in a calendar year (91), most goals for a single club (672, with Barcelona), most goals (474), hat-tricks (36) and assists (192) in La Liga, most assists (18) and goal contributions (32) in the Copa América, most goal contributions (21) in the World Cup, most international appearances (191) and international goals (11

    Lionel Messi

    Lionel Andrés Messi (twieled fl-24 ta' Ġunju 1987), magħruf ukoll bħala Leo Messi, huwa plejer tal-futbolArġentin li jilgħab bħala attakkant mal-klabb Franċiż ta' Paris Saint-Germain u mat-tim nazzjonali tal-Arġentina. Hu hu rikonoxxut fost l-aqwa plejers ta' kull żmien,[1][2][3][4][5] fejn rebaħ seba' unuri tal-Ballun tad-Deheb u rekord ta' sitt unuri taż-Żarbuna tad-Deheb. Sal-2021 kien qatta' l-karriera professjonali tiegħu ma' Barcelona fejn magħhom rebaħ rekord ta' 35 trofew, fosthom għaxar La Liga, seba' Tazzi tar-Re u erba' titli tal-UEFA Champions League. Ma' pajjiżu rebaħ l-edizzjoni tal-2021 tal-Copa América u fl-2022 it-Tazza tad-Dinja.

    Attakkant prolifiku, Messi iżomm ir-rekord tal-aktar gowls skorjati fil-kampjonat Spanjol (474), l-aktar gowls fi staġun wieħed tal-kampjonat Spanjol u Ewropew (50), l-aktar numru ta' tripletti fil-La Liga (36) u l-UEFA Champions League (8), l-aktar assists fl-istorja tal-La Liga (192), fi staġun wieħed tal-La Liga (21) u fil-Copa América (17). Hu wkoll iżomm ir-rekord tal-aktar gowls internazzjonali minn Sud-Amerikan maskili. Messi skorja iktar minn 750 gowl mal-klabbs u f'isem pajjiżu, u skorja l-iktar numru ta' gowls għal klabb wieħed (672).


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