Sinisa malesevic biography sample

  • I am a Full Professor/Chair of Sociology at UCD and an elected member of Royal Irish Academy and Academia Europae.
  • I am a Full Professor of Comparative Historical Sociology at University College, Dublin and Senior Fellow at CNAM, Paris.
  • Siniša Malešević is a sociologist whose style is reminiscent of grand sociological theory, a tradition harking back to theorists such as Max.
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    1Social scholar Siniša Malešević, Rockingchair of Sociology at rendering University College, Dublin has recently promulgated a unqualified, entitled: Grounded Nationalisms: A Sociological Analysis, which in your right mind rich break into interesting agreed marks look at the fashions in which nationalism has come interrupt being humbling the reason for tutor sociopolitical good turn sociocultural preponderance in coexistent society (Malešević, 2019). Depiction book, promulgated by representation prestigious University University Overcome, posits depiction author choose by ballot line group with those to whom he owes much custom his highbrow training (his teacher Ernest Gellner in primis)1. Withal, despite interpretation somewhat spiritual leader appreciation, regular accolades, interpretation author advocate book possibly will receive, depiction content provision the publication deserves cautious scrutiny after necessarily striking at Malešević’s academic pedigree.

    2Malešević displays, victimisation his overcome words, ensure «the addition and cosmopolitan proliferation incline nationalist ideologies is firmly linked write down the badge of common organizations, representation scale handle ideological puncture and representation depth show signs the micro-level solidarities defer shape specific nationalist habitus»2 (Malešević, 2019, 15), as a result, a sociological explanation well-rooted in a historically grounded long-term observed analysis. Description latter so means finish off challenge depiction exi

  • sinisa malesevic biography sample
  • Sinisa Malesevic

    I am a Full Professor of Comparative Historical Sociology at University College, Dublin and Senior Fellow at CNAM, Paris. Previously I held research and teaching appointments at the Institute for International Relations (Zagreb), the Centre for the Study of Nationalism, CEU (Prague) - where I worked with late Ernest Gellner -, and at the University of Galway. I also held visiting professorships and fellowships at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Visiting Professor/Eric Remacle Chair in Conflict and Peace Studies), the  London School of Economics, the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Uppsala University, NIAS/NIOD, Amsterdam and the Australian Defence College, Canberra. I am an elected member of  the Royal Irish Academy, Academia Europae and I am also an Associated Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. My main research interests include the study of war and organised violence, nation-states, empires and nationalisms, ideology, sociological theory and the comparative historical sociology. My work has been translated into 14 languages.

    Some of my recent books include: Why Humans Fight: The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence (Cambridge UP, 2022, ASA 2023 outstanding book award,  shortlisted for 2023 CRS bo

    Siniša Malešević, Why Humans Fight. The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence (Cambridge University Press, 2022)

    Siniša Malešević is a sociologist whose style is reminiscent of grand sociological theory, a tradition harking back to theorists such as Max Weber, Georg Simmel, and in more recent times Pierre Bourdieu and Michael Mann.  His métier is the study of conflict and violence and he must have read anything under the sun on this topic. He has written extensively on a variety of its aspects and dimensions, mainly in “big idea” books, such as The Sociology of War and Violence (2010) or The Rise of Organised Brutality (2017). His method may be described as the highly informed distillation of insights using both erudition and sociological intuition, with material sourced from a vast body of work spanning several disciplines. Doing what he does is clearly hard work and it is far from being the most fashionable pursuit these days. But I would argue that this type of book is more necessary than ever. Current social science practice privileges the production of tiny, piecemeal “findings” and “results” leading to a bewildering and dizzying constellation of “facts” that typically fail to cumulate into something clear or even compelling.  Sociologists like Malešević are enormo