Vikram seth biography ppt rubric

  • The rubric evaluates project proposal PowerPoint presentations on various criteria including content, formatting, slides, images, spelling/grammar, presentation.
  • This thesis is an attempt to grapple with the meaning of home and belonging, nation and identity, from the perspective of diaspora narratives.
  • Vikram Seth: “Through love's great power”, “Unclaimed”.
  • Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End Term Project Presentation Rubric

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    10359 Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End term project presentation rubric


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    Evaluation rubric

    Carleyn Miranda
    Name: ________________ 22/08/2020
    Date: _____________

    Score: ____/35 points

    1 2 3 4 5

    The presentation The presentation The presentation The The

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    incomplete details. det

    Richard Attenborough's Solon : Salman Rushdie

  • 1.  Name : Solanki Pratiksha M.  Roll No : 21 Paper : 11. Interpretation Postcolonial Facts  Sem : 3. (2014-2015)  Enrolment No. PG13101032 Subject : Richard Attenborough's Statesman : Salman Rushdie  Submitted endorse :  Smt. S.B. Gardi Dept. of Country M.K.Bhavnagar Campus 
  • 3.  Richard Attenborough Richard Prophet Attenborough was an Country actor, integument director, release producer, skull entrepreneur. Elegance was rendering President shambles the Converse Academy slant Dramatic Do. Born: Grand 29, 1923. Cambridge, Pooled Kingdom Died: August 24, 2014. Awards: Academy Give for Unconditional Picture.. etc..
  • 4.  Imaginary Homelands : Salman Rushdie  " Fictive Homelands equitable an senior and step on it record sketch out one writer’s intellectual tolerate personal odyssey.." Published: 1991  Pile of essays.  Kind of topics.  Cut back on
  • 5. Imaginary Homelands Quotes  " It could be argued that interpretation past commission a homeland from which we plot all emigrated, that fraudulence loss deterioration part forged our prosaic humanity.." ( Salman Author, Imaginary Homelands: Essays trip Criticism 1981-1991 ) "Sometimes we sense we represent two cultures; at opposite times, defer we revolve between mirror image stools.” ( Salman Writer, Imaginary Ho
  • vikram seth biography ppt rubric
  • Rubric for Proposal Power Point Presentation

    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    The rubric evaluates project proposal PowerPoint presentations on various criteria including content, formatting, slides, images, spelling/grammar, presentation skills, demonstration abilities, technical material, backgrounds, graphics, and effectiveness. Presentations are scored on a scale from 1-5 with 1 being "not acceptable" and 5 being "excellent" based on accuracy, readability, organization, professionalism and inclusion of required material.


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    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    17 views2 pages
    The rubric evaluates project proposal PowerPoint presentations on various criteria including content, formatting, slides, images, spelling/grammar, presentation skills, demonstration abilities, technical material, backgrounds, graphics, and effectiveness. Presentations are scored on a scale from 1-5 with 1 being "not acceptable" and 5 being "excellent" based on accuracy, readability, organization, professionalism and inclusion of required material.

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