Greg taylor author biography essay

  • By weaving the stories together, the author leads the reader to discover similarities and make connections that deepen the reader's.
  • Greg Taylor is an expert in the topics discussed in Dan Brown's books, from ancient secret societies and hidden history through to modern research into the.
  • Free Essay: Imagine you sign yourself up to work at a pizza place, but soon realize it's not an ordinary pizza place.
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  • greg taylor author biography essay
  • Inside Historical Fiction with Greg Taylor winner of the M.M. Bennett’s award

    Greg Taylor’s novel Lusitania R.E.X won the first M.M. Bennetts Award for historical fiction. The award was presented at last June’s Historical Novel Society conference in Denver and I had the pleasure of meeting Greg briefly after his award was announced. Today he talks about historical fiction – what makes it unique and what makes it tick.

    MKTod: What are the ‘magic ingredients’ that make historical fiction unforgettable/irresistible? And in your opinion, what do the best historical fiction writers do to ‘get it right’?

    Greg Taylor: What sets historical fiction apart from other fiction is its ability to educate the reader. The lure of historical fiction for me is not only the prospect of enjoying a good tale but also the more lasting satisfaction of knowing that I have learned something.

    The base material on which a work of historical fiction is built may be widely known, but the author can still discover and bring to light additional facts that expand and enliven the story. The craft is in making the reader hunger for more knowledge.

    The writers I have most enjoyed also develop parallel stories that initially bear no obvious relation to the co