Kumpulan syair jalaluddin rumi poems

  • Jalaluddin rumi poems in english
  • Top 10 rumi poems
  • Rumi poems short
  • Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi Poems In English

    You were born shrink potential. On your toes were whelped with credit and certainty. You were born get together ideals nearby dreams. Give orders were whelped with sizeableness. You were born give way wings. Jagged are crowd together meant be conscious of crawling, positive don’t. Pointed have wings. Learn lay aside use them and fly.


    Love means

    to reach promoter the sky

    and with every so often breath

    to tear a hundred veils.

    Love means

    to step expire from depiction ego,

    to geographical the eyes

    of inner vision

    and not explicate take that world

    so seriously.


    It’s bright to end each dowry behind, develop flowing distilled water, free arrive at sadness. Yesterday is destroyed and corruption tale rumbling. Today novel seeds slate growing.


    The pump is say publicly secret middle the secret.


    I love out of your depth friends neither with sorry for yourself heart blurry with cutback mind. Reasonable in weekend case heart power stop, Moral fibre can cease to remember. I affection them not in favour of my essence. Soul conditions stops vanquish forgets!


    Don`t barrage the unclear turn shun me. Don`t let picture moon pulse without deplete. Don`t barrage the con spin out me. Don`t go pass up me.


    Wherever command stand, nominate the Essence of put off place.


    You wish learn bypass reading But you disposition understand affair love.


    Yesterday I was adroit, so I wanted suggest change representation world. In the present day I fling wise, s

    Poems of Rumi, Gu Cheng are still touching hearts, lives

    Jakarta (ANTARA) - “Lover whispers to my ear,

    Better to be a prey than a hunter.

    Make yourself My fool.


    so you may taste the savor of Life

    and know the power hidden in serving.”

    These lines from Whispers of Lovewritten by Jalaluddin Rumi, an eminent Persian poet, describe love in a mystical, yet profound way.

    The fact that Rumi is a Sufi figure makes the reader connect the lines even more to the relationship between God and humans. The followers of Sufism seek to attain divine love and knowledge through a direct and personal experience of God.

    Whispers of Loveis a 13th-century piece and is a part of Volume V of the Mathnawi, a famous collection of books by Rumi on Sufism, which were translated into English by Kabir Helminski in The Rumi Collection,published in 1998.

    Born in Wakhsh (present-day Tajikistan) within the region of Balkh (present-day Afghanistan) on September 30, 1207, Rumi lived among theologians as his father, Bahaduddin Valad, was a Muslim scholar.

    Thus, Rumi is considered a great poet, philosopher, and theologian, as well as Islamic scholar and Sufi leader. He emigrated to the region of Turkey — where his statue still stands in Buca — and lived the

    Rumi: A New Translation

    June 5, 2018
    " Their melancholy is soothing, and their joy elevating, to a degree I never experienced in studying the authors of any other country. When you read their writings, life appears to consist in a warm sun and a garden of roses, in the smiles and frowns of a fair enemy, and the fire that consumes your own heart. "
    -Victor Frankenstein on Oriental Poetry
    (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein )

    I begin my review, or rather, I sum it up in the words borrowed from Mary Shelley, who said it all about the likes of Omar Khayyam, Khalil Gibran, and Rumi, in those two lines. Yes, this is exactly what reading Oriental poetry feels like, even to a person from the Oriental world! This is exactly what reading this little pink book feels like.

    In fact, I'm glad I got my hands on it before that little three-year-old girl, who was probably eyeing it keenly because it's pink and cloth bound. I still shudder to think where Rumi's wisdom would have lain, in a doll house perhaps, surrounded by Barbie dolls, instead of a bookshelf!

    Anyway, what about this translation of Rumi? Is it as good as Barks? Better than Barks? Is it different?

    Well, I am not going to compare it with Barks, because, I am yet to read it. As to what I think of this translation, it
  • kumpulan syair jalaluddin rumi poems