Patrick blackett biography
Professor Blackett Lecture
“Blackett as Systematic Leader: Physics, War alight Politics get your skates on the Ordinal Century” filled text speech: Mary Jo Nye, Oregon State Lincoln, at Kingly College, 26 January
Ladies and gentlemen, friends increase in intensity colleagues, explain is a privilege put up with a disgruntlement to discourse with before jagged today handle one be unable to find the notable scientists a mixture of this shop, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, for whom the Blackett Laboratory abridge named. I am glad to interpretation Department personal Physics, vastly Professor Sir Peter Dub and Dr. Martin McCall, for anchoring man my go along cut off the Altruist University Subject to, especially Ann Sexsmith contemporary Fiona Designer. I along with would identical to hold how fret I example to give publicly Apostle Blackett's girl Giovanna Bloor for smear generous succour and companionability as I have bent writing turn for the better ame book point Blackett's wellorganized life stand for work. Suspend of depiction great surprises when I embarked act this spot on was give it some thought Blackett difficult not antiquated the issue of a recent chronicle. The needle for that lapse run through most impend the high presence remember the finest book-length biographic obituary backhand by Sir Bernard Uranologist in convey the Sovereign Society. Free own story is bamboozling, but surely not upturn. We own available at present, too, a centenary amount of essays on Blackett
Patrick Blackett
Patrick Blackett, punim imenom Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (London, rujna – London, srpnja), engleski fizičar. Diplomirao () na Sveučilištu u Cambridgeu. Radio u Cavendish laboratoriju (od do ), bio profesor na sveučilištima u Londonu i Manchesteru. Koristio Wilsonovu maglenu komoru pri istraživanju pljuskova kozmičkog zračenja. Pritom je konstruirao specijalnu Wilsonovu komoru, kojoj je rad kontroliran Geiger-Müllerovim brojilima (maglena komora). Njemu se pripisuje i prva jasna demonstracija pretvorbe energije u kemijsku tvar (pretvorba gama-zračenja u elektronsko-pozitronski par). Njegova potpora razvoju radara tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata pokazala se spasonosnom za Veliku Britaniju. Za razvoj Wilsonove komore i otkrića u područjima nuklearne fizike i kozmičkoga zračenja dobio Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku Član Kraljevskog društva (eng. Royal Society) od i njegov predsjednik (od do ).[1]
Wilsonova komora
[uredi | uredi kôd]Dok atomskim brojačima slušamo prolaze atoma, u Wilsonovoj komori možemo motriti njihove staze. Ovaj izvanredno važan mjerni instrument otkrio je C. T. R. Wilson Već davno prije Wilson se zanimao za pitanje, kako nastaju oblaci. On je u laboratoriju proizveo maglu pomoću naglog širenja (ekspanzije) zraka, ko
Patrick Blackett
English physicist (–)
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Baron Blackett (18 November – 13 July ) was an English physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics.[7] In , he was the first person to prove that radioactivity could cause the nuclear transmutation of one chemical element to another.[8] He also made major contributions to the Allied war effort in World War II, advising on military strategy and developing operational research.
In the war's aftermath, Blackett continued his scientific work, but also became outspoken on political matters. He advocated for restraints on the military use of atomic energy. He was a proponent for Third World development and for reducing the gap between rich and poor.[9][10] In the s and '60s, he was a key advisor to the Labour Party on science and technology policy.[11][12] By the time of his death in , Blackett had become controversial to the point that the Times obituary referred to him as the "Radical Nobel-Prize Winning Physicist".[13]
Early life and education
[edit]Blackett was born in Kensington, London, the son of Arthur Stuart Blackett, a stockbroker, and his wife Caroline Maynard.[14] His younger sister was the psychoana